jeudi 18 septembre 2014

Trends or other things that need to go away

If this is too similar to the "hate" thread I apologize but this thread is just for trends and stuff like that.

So what are some trends, products, or anything else that has "worn out it's welcome" and just need to disappear.

Ok here goes, - selfies.

They were fine for a while, especially when there was no name for them. Now they are just trite and tired. I think Ellen was the deathblow with her Oscar selfie. I have a cousin whose wife is always posting them and guess what? It's all the same damn picture - same angle, same pose. It's a bit of a running joke in the family.

On-purpose photobombs. If something actually happens during a picture that makes it funny, that's fine. But to either go out and find something to photobomb their picture or try to get something to photobomb yours is ridiculous

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