mercredi 24 septembre 2014

X-Force Movie ... pick/predict the team.

If Cable's in it, he'll be "the new guy" in that movie so I doubt there will be too many other new characters on the team or it's gonna be all supporting backstory...

So who we got? ...

Warpath was in the last X-Men movie and he's been in Volumes 1, 2 & 3 so I reckon he's a safe bet, along with Deadpool and maybe Wolverine from the Vol 3 line-up.

Psylocke was misused in X3 and Fantomex isn't that well known so I'd rule them out, but with X-Men Apocalypse preceding it I'd guess that "Archangel" might be established by the end of that film.

Going back to the Vol 1 line-up, we've also just seen Sunspot and Siryn's had a cameo in the past, the former being more likely to appear than the latter.

Then throw in Cable and Domino (another mainstay of Vols 1, 2&3 and Cable's WildPack/SixPack prior to that)

I'm gonna guess at a team initially led by Wolverine or alternatively Bishop, featuring Archangel, Deadpool, Warpath, and Sunspot, with Siryn and Blink also being possibilities.

Then Cable & Domino initially appearing as antagonists facilitating some classic Cable vs Deadpool/Wolverine/Bishop action and Stryfe as the big bad, ending with a team-up that leads to Cable heading the team in a sequel.


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