jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Im facinated by Captain Britain, recommended readinng?

***i misspelled reading* in the title, forgive me lol***

Hey guys. One character that has captivated my imagination for sometime now is Captain Britain. I've been meaning to ask but i always forget, but after reading all new invaders 10 tonight, in which he is mentioned briefly, it reminded me. I asked one friend at work, and he just laughed at me and acted as if i asked a stupid question.

My knowledge of him is limited to what i have read on his wiki page. So if anyone could build on him here, i would surely love to get some interesting info on Brian Braddock.

Also can someone please recommend some essential Cap Brit reading???? Id be willing to go back as far as the 80's and i don't mind hunting some stuff down as long as it doesn't break my bank. Some current stuff would also be really great, id love to see where he is in the somewhat current MU.

Thanks in advance! i really look forward to getting schooled here and finding out what to read!

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