samedi 27 septembre 2014

whats more harmful too the usa fear or change?

hi ever since Obama got elected the first time i i have been seeing something that i just cant understand some of his critics seam too bash or hate him on a regular basis. no matter what everything he does is wrong. and when ppl cant attack him anymore on the Issues they turn too fear: "we don't have too change anything in our society, we are just fine the way we are" they seam too say if he is weak on fighting wars then they call him un american undecided or worse. is it just possible that those who are against him or his ideas for america

on any level will use the public's own fear of what could be or the terror in the world today, as in excuse for not wanting any change at all. like wanting any change or better yet a chance for it. will be called a "chance too impose change" rather then a Opportunity for it.

just wondering since watching cable news for the last six months.

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