mardi 23 septembre 2014

Nova in Guardians of the Galaxy 2

In one of my other threads I discussed the many different options for who Starlord's father is (Star Fox!) and one of the less likely options that I got into was Nova. Really, the only reason I included him on the list was because of the NOVA Corps being so integral to TGOTG1.

Ultimately, I just really want to see Nova, especially since it could possibly lead to the New Warriors. So I came up with a quick story plot, as follows:

Just imagine this...

In GOTG2, Xandar is attacked and Nova Prime gives a mission to Rhomann Dey to take something and protect it. He takes off in a NOVA Corps ship and commands the crew to go. They become attacked by say... Nebula. Damaged and about to be destroyed, they are able to go into hyper space and end up near Terra.

If this story plays into the full movie, then they follow him down to Earth. If not then it could be an after credit scene. Let's go with the first one as I would love to see Nova involved in the storyline.

With the NOVA ship and crew destroyed, with the exception of Dey (maybe he's protected by the energy source of what he is protecting), he crashes to Earth. He lands in Hempstead, Long Island and is found by a kid named Rich. Rich is given/exposed to the energy of the item that Dey had. Maybe Dey dies (which would be too bad as I liked him in GOTG).

Richard Ryder becomes Nova and dons the suit given to him by Dey (or the energy source gives him the suit). Anyway, we now have Nova. Maybe Nebula comes after the power (a stone?) and/or something calls him to Xandar. He gets caught up in the whole battle against Nebula or whatever bad dude the Guardians will be up against in #2. At the end he wants to go home and be a kid. He has to give up his powers to the NOVA Corps and he's sent home (just like in comic canon).

Post Credits scene:

Locaton: Earth. Hempstead, Long Island. An alley, outside of the kitchen entrance of a small diner.

Time: Late evening. Closing time. The alley is dark.

Richard Ryder opens the door carrying a bag of trash. He locks the door and turns toward the dumpster.

Suddenly a metal grapnel line comes out of nowhere and wraps around his feet. He is taken from his feet, the trash bag falling to the ground as he finds himself being pulled upward.

At the top of the five floor building Nova comes face to face with his attacker, a main dressed in some sort of black colored battle suit, wearing a black helmet with red accents.

As the man grabs Richard by the neck, hoisting him upright, the grapling line retracts into the assailant's guantlets. The black-armored clad figure continues to hold Ryder over the edge of the building, lifting him so they are face to face.

"So you're the Human Rocket, huh?" states the dark figure, in a deep, vibrato voice.

He suddenly opens his hand and Richard Ryder finds himself falling.

The camera follows him as he falls, focusing on his look of terror. Suddenly Richard Ryder's eyes start to emanate a blue energy and Richard smiles.

Fade to black.

Actually, the New Warriors could make a pretty good tv show, if done right.


So, as it turns out, Nova was actually in an initial script for GOTG1, and the speculation looks really good for him finding his way into #2.

In fact, here is a link to an article about this:

So, easy question...

Would you like to see Nova in the next Guardians movie and, if so, would you want him to be an integral part of the story, or would you rather see him as a post credits scene?

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