lundi 29 septembre 2014

Discussion: Democracy in Hong Kong


When Hong Kong was handed back to the Chinese government in 1997, a promise was made that Hong Kong would be semi-autonomous for 50 years, except with regards to international affairs. This meant a continued free press, free elections and self-rule.

However, China is now reneging on its promise. HK will have elections in 2017, but the candidates are being chosen by the PRC. That means the candidates will be pro-China and could bring HK closer in align with China, including its restriction of free speech, free media and domestic policy.

This isn't sitting well with the youths of HK who grew up under a free, democratic system more in line with Western governments, and they resent the repressive hand of China attempting to rewind the clocks. They want to choose their own candidates, as they were promised they would. So to show their anger, they are engaging in the largest civil disobedience protest China has seen since the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989. The HK police are attempting to disperse the sit-in with tear gas and blockades, but China is threatening to send in its actual government troops, which has everyone worried about Tiananmen redux happening, with PRC tanks and troops invading the financial district in Hong Kong. I don't see the students leaving, unless they're forced by probably lethal or near-lethal means, and I don't see China giving in either. This could turn very bad.


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