dimanche 28 septembre 2014

State your unpopular Batman related opinion

Got any unpopular opinions about the caped crusader? It could be the movies, the comic books (overrated stories, writers, popular artists you don't like), the animated series, toys or Batman as a character. Here's my list (I'll probably add more later):

1. This is probably one of my biggest problems with Batman; he's the master of all martial arts known to man. I'm sorry, but "that's a lot of fish"!:o it's impossible. Do they even know how much work it takes to master just one style? I think it would have been better if Batman mastered two or three martial arts (karate, judo and krav maga or something), and knew a few moves from the rest.

2. Batman comics were better and more interesting before. The new stuff is just ugly and unappealing. Batman punching Dick Grayson? Joker cutting off his own face? Skinning people alive? And this is supposed to be "adult"? No, it's "15 year old boy drawing penises and dirty words on public toilet walls".

I don't know when they started to decline in quality, but it was probably in the late eighties or early nineties?

3. I don't like the modern psycho-Batman. It's like they're trying to outdo Frank Miller...I don't mind it in The Dark Knight Returns, but I don't want the "regular" Batman to be that way.

"Batman should never, ever kill! He's no better than the badguys if he does that...he should just torture his enemies, break some bones or cripple them for life!"

The ideal Batman for me is how he's portrayed in Batman: The Animated Series, he's dark and serious, but acts like a hero. Even the gory comics by Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle potrayed Batman as a heroic character.

4. Catwoman's classic costume (purple, green cape, long hair) looks better than the new one. I think the new one is boring.

5. The batsymbol looks better with a yellow oval behind it.

6. Grant Morrison's Arkham Asylum is boring, ugly and pretentious. One of the worst Batman stories I have read. But most of Morrison's Batman stuff is bad.

7. I don't think Year One is the best origin story. Don't get me wrong, I love the story...but I prefer Len Wein's "The Untold Story of Batman".

8. I don't think Ben Affleck is a bad choice for Batman, but I believe he's in the wrong kind of Batman movie. Looks like we're going to get Frank Miller's scary old fart in tights on the big screen. As a eleven year old, this would have been a dream come true...today, it's just sad.

I wish Snyder could grow up...women with guns, dressed up as schoolgirls? Naked guys with big muscles, yelling a lot? Mass civilian deaths? "Badass" psychopaths? "Cool" slow motion fight scenes with lots of gore? Unnecessary and cheesy sex scenes?:doh:

9. There should never be a Batman movie rated R, with graphic violence, profanity and sex scenes. Watch "Mask of the Phantasm". It's the best Batman movie out there...dark, serious, scary, romantic, tragic, action packed, and it's rated PG.

One of the things I love about Nolan is how he deals with violence in his Batman trilogy. We never really see the gruesome stuff, it happens off-screen. But we still think the pencil scene is horrific (I actually think the pool cue scene is worse. I'm glad we didn't see what happened there). We don't need to see blood spurt everywhere, or Batman's naked butt when he's rolling on the floor with Talia.

10. I hope someone will make a "lighter" Batman movie in the future. I'm not talking about Batman & Robin 2: The Case of the Missing Rubber Butt, but I imagine something like the Iron Man movies. A fun action-adventure movie with OTT action, villains like Man- Bat or Clayface, giant props and a healthy dose of humor. Keep the blue and gray costume!:woot:

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