jeudi 25 septembre 2014

The suits' similarities

Forgive me if this has been started in a thread already, but I'm a longtime lurker and one issue has been gnawing at me for a while: If Batman has been in operation for so much longer than Superman, how will they explain why Batman's suit looks really similar in inspiration to Superman's, which is an ancient alien outfit?

I don't bring this up to troll -- I am seriously interested in if they will cover this somehow and I'll be fascinated if they pull it off with Snyder's "if this happened in real life" mantra. We take it for granted that superheroes wear these types of outfits, but in Snyder's universe, it's got to be an incredible coincidence that the world's two greatest heroes both wear skintight bodysuits/armor with knee high boots, belts, a unique chest emblem, and of course most notably, capes.


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