jeudi 25 septembre 2014

anyone care about spiderman in the avengers?

because i sure as hell don't. i mean what's thepoint in adding him to the team in the MCU or the movie in general. he's not the smart4est since they have tony and whoeever else are on the team. he's not the strongest either. he's kinda quicker than them and more agile but overall spiderman was never a founding member of the team nor would it matter where he was during the invasion. where were the other heroes? what about daredevil , dcotr strange, moon knight, the F4, luke cage, iron fist, war machine, the new warriors, nova, etc.?it's the marvel universe full of every superhero and super villain imaginable. does it really matter that much where spiderman was. i mean spiderman is the most popular character but at the same time me nor shoulkd you guys ever give a **** about this. infact, even if spiderman or andrew playing him appearing in the avengers 3 the movie won't even break billions because of that. not even close. infact, he'll be reduced to a cameo leading to his latest tv series because that's where the character works best at.

anyone else agree with me on this? what are all your thoughts?

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