samedi 27 septembre 2014

PROPOSAL: Age of Wonders- an Original Superhero RPG

Screenname of the Proposed RPG’s Game Master: Andy C.

How will the overall layout of the RPG be?: It's an ongoing RPG set in an original universe, where players can create their own heroes and villains from scratch. Unlike the previous Create-A-Hero game, however, where superhumans were a relatively new development, in this game superheroes and villains have been a common occurrence since the 1930s. There's a legacy at work that spans generations, one that's shaped the course of human history, and one which players can actively take part in, or dismiss to create a legacy of their own.

Premise of the Game:

It's been seventy-six years since the world was turned on its head. Seventy-six years since the arrival of Ultiman, and the formation of the Seven Wonders. In that time, the world has changed almost completely.

It is difficult to imagine what life was like back before flying strong-men and hooded vigilantes filled our skies and patrolled our rooftops, before insurance providers had to start offering coverage for "acts of supervillainy."

Back before the titanic battles between the Seven Wonders and the sinister Shadow Society.

Before the horrors of World War II and the hordes of Nazi undead, before the UFO crash of '47 spread the extraterrestrial Genomorph virus across the world and turned 2% of the human population into unpredictable mutants.

Before the radioactive monster known as "Big Z" leveled Tokyo and claimed the Pacific as its hunting grounds. Before the world-famous adventurer Johnny Ransom, son of the legendary "Handsome" Jack Ransom, accompanied Neil Armstrong on the Apollo 11 and found the Dimensional Nexus on the dark side of the moon.

Before the Infinity War of 1986, culminating in Ultiman and his arch-rival Doctor Bedlam disappearing forever in the wash of the Multiverse.

It's been seventy-six years since people first looked up in the sky in awe, and a new generation of heroes has risen in the places of the old. Some of them don the masks and capes of their forebears, carrying on a legacy that spans decades. Others have set out to carve out a legacy of their own. And with these new heroes, a slew of new villains and threats emerges to challenge them.

A new Age of Wonders has begun.

What will this RPG bring to the RPG forums? (please write two complete sentences): Like CAH, it will give players the opportunity to flex their creative muscle and craft characters out of whole cloth. However, it will also give them plenty of history to utilize, and give us the feel of a lived-in world with the same kind of deep history and lore of DC or Marvel, but without the museum-like 'custodian' feel of dealing with actual comic legacies. More than anything, it will give us a new playground to have fun in.

Example Of Character Application:

Age Of Wonders, Volume I:

Character Application

Player's Screenname:

Character's Name: (Please include the font and color you wish to use for the character's dialogue)

Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral)

Approximate Power "Level": (Street/City Level, National Level, International Level, Cosmic Level)

Brief Description of Character's Powers:

Character's Origin:

Personality Traits: (Describe how the character acts in roughly 2-3 sentences)

Ideal: (Sum up the core "theme" the character follows in one word)

Bond/s: (Things, places, people, that the character has a strong attachment to)

Flaw/s: (Personality traits, physical weaknesses, anything that might hamper the character)

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue)

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