mardi 23 septembre 2014

What is the value of purism in adaptation?

I'm curious, what do the folks around here think is the value in staying as true to the details of the source material as possible over taking creative liberties in adapting it to another medium? Or, conversely, what do you think is the value in having artistic freedom in adapting a work over being confined to producing as literal an adaptation as possible? How much is too much when it comes to making changes from the source material, and if there is a limit for you, what is it and why is it a line that shouldn't be crossed?

I'm not particularly interested in debating people about what approach is better, I've had enough arguments like that on these boards to last me a lifetime or two, although if other folks want to start a spirited discussion about it they are of course more than welcome to. It's simply that I have found this issue to be the most divisive, multi-faceted, and ultimately important topic when discussing the merits of any given film adaptation and the direction that future adaptations should go in. So, I want to see what the people around here really think about this subject and why they think what they do, and maybe start a dialogue that explores it in some depth.

So yeah, what do you guys think?

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