lundi 22 septembre 2014

Xbox One Games: The Real Meat Around The Bone

While we do have a thread for the Xbox One, I can't help but feel as if it's become a thread pretty much about hardware with endless discussions about media features, redesigns, HDD, etc. Not that there is anything wrong with that or anything, but too often talks about actual games get buried in that cycle, so I figured I'd start a thread for discussion of Xbox One games. Big games will most likely get there own thread I know, but I'm hoping this will be a bit of a haven for discussion about smaller titles or something along those lines.

To kick things off, I'll bring up a recent, fairly stealthy XBLA release called D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die. Apparently, this is an adventure style game like the Telltale games from a cult favorite director. Been thinking about picking it up.

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