jeudi 18 septembre 2014

A New United Kingdom?

The rest of the world may be unaware that, today, Scotland is voting on whether it wants to separate politically from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

What has been relatively little discussed is where that will leave the remaining constituents of the UK, or the "rUK". England, Wales and Northern Ireland will still be members. There is strong sentiment in some parts of Scotland (particularly Shetland) to separate from a newly Independent Scotland ("IS"), and to rejoin rUK, so the geographical extent of rUK is a little unclear.

rUK would be richer, as measured by GDP per person, more densely populated, and more right-wing. It is likely to have less influence in the EU, has voting rights are measured by size of population during treat changes, and its place as a permanent member of the UN security council could be under threat, which is likely to be bad news for the USA.

A lot of debate centers on some fairly superficial details, such as what the flag would look like. Here is my attempt:

Do any of you have any thoughts on this?

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