jeudi 18 septembre 2014

PROPOSAL: Ultimate One Universe - Redux

Screenname of the Proposed RPG’s Game Master: Batman

Do You Have An Instant Messenger that we can reach you on for better conversation? (i.e MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ect.) And if so, what is your screenname?: Skype me as mastervain, Facebook me, whatever you need to do. Most of you all know where to find me.

Gamemasters/Assistant Gamemasters already chosen: Carnage27

How will the overall layout of the RPG be?: I think you all know the drill. Like the game Johnny Blaze established before this, it's an ongoing One Universe game that takes place in the most alternate of alternate universes you can imagine - literally, you'll be the ones imagining it. You're allowed to do anything you want with any hero character you desire to play. Want Superman to be an agent for the Kree? Go for it. You want Clint Barton to be this Earth's Captain America? You're allowed to do that. Whatever "franchise" you desire, you get complete creative control over their origins, their supporting cast, their rogues gallery, and team affiliations. This is the Ultimate One Universe, where anything is possible.

The difference in this case is that I'm adding a bit of a twist to the usual format. Instead of every character being available to anyone, each character that isn't being played will be considered a "loaner". Meaning, if you want to play a specific character who isn't a hero or a main villain, you have to wait for that character to be established by the hero player. They get to introduce their own villains, and the only ones available for play will be the main baddies. Lex Luthor, Red Skull, Joker, Magneto, anyone who fits the bill of "main antagonist". Everyone else is off-limits for everyone except the hero players, who can reinvent their rogues gallery to go along with their concepts unless they give out special permission otherwise.

This is to ensure a seamless process. We're building a world, here, and more often than not there are things that inhibit players by only being able to build up a single character - when those characters need mythologies to become who they are. There's no use in waiting around for other players to build your world for you. Plus, we're always short on villains in each game as it is. Why not use that as something that adds to the experience? Let's really get our own stab at these characters - and all that encompass them.

Premise of RPG: I came up with concept after concept, but the truth is, JB's backstory is simple and straightforward enough...


Originally Posted by Johnny Blaze (Post 24125895)

Set in the current year, most heroes and villains would just be starting out, though if some prefer to skip an origin story, they could easily be worked into the game as a meta-human who has recently been established. Though I do wish to keep it that we are just entering a new Age of Marvels.

The past age of the "superhero" died off with Captain America and the JSA. In World War 2, America's super-soldier, Steve Rogers, led a small group of heroes against the Axis Powers and helped the Allied Forces win the war. But Captain America was lost in covert mission, and presumed dead. Not long after the war, the rest of the surviving JSA retired from heroics leaving the world to fend for itself.

In the decades that have passed, humanity has seen the rise of an offshoot, Homo Superior, Mutants. Humans born with natural "gifts" that manifest around puberty, mutants are shunned by society and feared by normal humans, called "monsters" and worse.

It has been over half-a-century since the days of the JSA, and the world has seemingly forgotten all about their former protectors. But reports are starting to come in from across the globe of costumed vigilantes appearing in cities, stopping criminals and helping people in need. Citizen reaction has been mixed, some praising the new costumed crime-fighters for their good deeds, but most keeping quiet mistrust about the new capes, even fearing it may be a mutant plot to gain the human's trust before declaring war against mankind.

Whatever the case may be, the world governments have taken notice, and are paying close attention to what is being heralded as the New Age of Marvels.

What will this RPG bring to the RPG forums? (please write two complete sentences): One Universe has always been a concept we've excelled at. Nobody does combined Marvel and DC Universes like the Basement, and the most intriguing game to utilize that concept, in my opinion, was UOU. It's one of the few RPG's I would kill to see running again, and I think it can offer alot as the main One Universe outlet in this new resurgence.

Title Of The RPG You Would Like To Propose: Ultimate One Universe: Genesis (title subject to change)

Example Of Characters Application:

Ultimate One Universe

Character Application

Character Name:

Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line):

Character Speech Font and Color:

Powers and Abilities:

Character Origin/Backstory:

What Makes This Version "Ultimate":

What can you bring to the RPG:

Sample Post (provide a short post of at least 3 paragraphs and 1 line of dialogue for your character):

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