mercredi 17 septembre 2014

Describe YOUR dream CBM

Ok, inspired by what i read on a thread in the Batman V Superman forums that David Fincher, the director who did Fight Club, Seven and the upcoming movie Gone Girl, descibed comic book movies as "dull". :csad: There goes the chances of a Fincher Batman movie...Oh well. So i decided to create this thread where we can all play movie producers! :word:

Describe YOUR dream comic book movie, if YOU were the producer of ANY Comic book Property(DC, Marvel or other), what title would you tackle? Who would you choose as the director? Go nuts with casting, who would star in your ultimate CBM?

Here's three of my dream CBM. (I added some Wiki links btw, so you can better judge my directors and casting choices) I have posted these movie ideas in various other threads on these boards, but i like them and would like to see them made.

1. The Question - Directed by Michael Mann, Starring Tom Cruise(Come on Cruise was excellent in Collateral)

2. The Batman Reboot - Directed by Alex Proyas(not my idea but Roger Eberts, everyone wants Ben Affleck to direct a Batman movie, and while that sounds cool, Alex Proyas would knock it out of the park. IMO) Proyas is responsible for directing two of my favourite movies. The Crow and Dark City. Starring Ben Affleck of course.

3. The Shadow - Directed by Sam Raimi. Starring Adrien Brody. This isnt my idea either, in fact its a dream movie for Sam Raimi himself, i just added the casting of Adrien Brody. Who i believe would be perfect for the role! Check out this interview with Raimi where he mentions The Shadow.

What are some of your ideas? Or have you read a cool idea/casting online or somewhere else. Spout off here!

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