vendredi 1 mai 2015

What Mutant Characters Can Marvel Use?

So, Marvel was clearly able to use Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver in Age of Ultron, which leaves me wondering what the criteria is for their use of mutants. Is it because the characters were part of The Avengers that they were allowed to be part of the MCU?

If so, does this means any mutants featured as a major part of another comic book can be used in Marvel properties as Inhumans or something else?

I assume Marvel owns the right to use any mutants not heavily associated with the X-Men by default, such as Molly Hayes from the Runaways or Madame Web (well, she would technically be Sony, but I see little difference given the recent deal).

If so, could Marvel also potentially use Rogue in their universe, since she debuted in an Avengers comic and has an origin heavily tied to Ms Marvel's? What about Beast who was a member of The Avengers for a time. I actually find these characters doubtful, as they're part of the core X-Men team, but then there's Moonstar who, while being a major character in The New Mutants, has also been a Valkyrie off and on.

Does anyone have any idea what the criteria is for Marvel to use mutants, beyond making them not be mutants?

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