vendredi 29 mai 2015

"The Heroic Age" Marvel RPG

"The Heroic Age" Marvel RPG

The Dark Reign is over. Norman Osborn and his H.A.M.M.E.R. organization have been dealt their final defeat at the Siege of Asgard. The Dark Avengers have been apprehended, the Superhero Registration Act has been repealed, and Steve Rogers has taken back the mantle of Captain America to lead the heroes of Earth into a bright new day. This is the Heroic Age.

How to Play:

This game will start in the weeks after the Siege of Asgard. The heroes have had a chance to return home and revel in their victory, enjoy their new found freedom. Players can take any character that existed on Earth 616 prior to Marvel NOW. Please note this game does NOT share continuity with the old Heroes Vs Villains game. We start fresh from the end of Siege.

To apply for a character, fill out the application below. Applications will be reviewed by the GM and either Approved or Denied after 24 hours. If your application is Denied, fear not! You can re-write and revise your application based on the GM's and other players' feedback; however, if multiple people are vying for the same character and someone else gets it, you'll have to apply for a different character. All players are welcome, regardless of membership status or post-count


1: You are allowed a maximum of two main characters. You also have free reign over the characters' supporting cast and rogues' gallery, provided that no other player is playing them. However, it is advised to keep sidekick characters and primary villains at least somewhat open as options for other players to take up.

2: You must post at least once every two weeks, preferably more, or your character will be up for grabs. Failure to post after 30 days will result in your character being removed from the roster.

3: PC's are not to be killed without permission. Nameless NPC's are fine, but PC's or important NPC's will require authorization. Don't do anything random, such as destroying the universe, either. Such behavior is frowned upon.

4: Several storylines can be going on at once, in order to interact with other players. If a player's character does not want to be involved in another's storyline, they do not have to. Likewise, please observe good etiquette and ask the other players' permission before jumping into a fight or interaction without their consent. Consultation and communication are the keys to a good PC-to-PC interaction.

5: You can travel anywhere on Earth or off-planet, provided it is within your character's means. Time-travel is forbidden, unless it is specifically required of your character choice.

6: You are your character, so act like them. Create or portray their mannerisms, powers, and ideals to how they have been established in the game. BE the character, don't just remote-control their powers, so to speak.

7: Respect the Gamemasters. If they make a request of you regarding the game, listen to them. Failure to adhere to GM, AGM, and Hype! Moderator requests will result in expulsion from the game.

8: Be creative, and do not be afraid to try new and exciting things with old concepts. This is a new continuity - the laws of the regular DC Universe are not set in stone.

9: All regular Hype rules apply.

10: Have fun, damn it!

Gamemasters: Spider-Man9x17, TBD

The Heroic Age Marvel RPG: Character Application:

Character Name:

Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line):

Character Speech Color and Font (actually say what it is, like Blue Comic Sans):

Powers and Abilities:

Character Origin/Backstory:

Why this character?

What can you bring to the RPG?

Provide a short sample post as your desired character, in three paragraphs or more and featuring at least one line of dialogue:

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