dimanche 31 mai 2015

Did Ravi Create The Zombie Virus?

Pretty much what the title says. We still have no idea who created the virus, and the idea that it came about accidentally as part of some drug or energy drink seems a tad absurd. I kept racking my brain trying to figure out who would want to intentionally make a virus like this, and for on reason or another, they all seemed too weak. The big bad this season, Blaine, is clearly lacking the technical know-how for something like this, and Max Rager wouldn't want to sabotage their own energy drinks.

Ultimately, there is one character on the show, with both the medical knowledge to create such a virus, and the incentive to do so. And that's Ravi, one of the most integral characters to the show, whose been there from the very beginning, yet we know next to nothing about him.

Seriously, what DO we know about Ravi? We know he has an obsession with zombies. We know that he trusted Liv from the beginning and recognized her for what she was, despite the fact that we are given no reason to believe he's ever encountered zombies before. We know that he's intelligent enough to create a working cure for undeath. Most importantly, however, we know that he used to work for the CDC and that he was fired from the job because reasons.

So, taking these facts into account, did Ravi make the zombie virus?

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