jeudi 28 mai 2015

A Little Help With Blackest Night/Brightest Day (Firestorm/Green Lantern stuff)

I'm mostly a Marvel guy, but the one DC comic I do collect is Firestorm--he's always been my favourite DC character by far. (I have all of v3 and v4) After Firestorm, I'm also a big Green Lantern, (and GL Corps) fan. I'm kicking myself for missing out on the one time DC does a crossover even using both characters prominently, (not counting the stuff they've done together as JLA members), Blackest Night & Brightest Day.

Could someone please point me to the issues that cover Firestorm & GL? Obviously the whole story revolves around GL/GLC, but I'm mainly interested in Firestorm and I don't care about the Brightest Day stuff in particular that covers all the other characters that aren't Firestorm or GL.

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