vendredi 29 mai 2015

Things to fix/change in the sequel

Without completely reinventing the wheel, this is how I'd fix the sequel.

1. Fix the costumes. Make the colors match and add an insignia. It can either be an F, a 4 or the symbol for unstable molecules. They can come in either blue, red, black or white. Thing should go with a tanktop and shorts.

2. Since you're obviously going with a sci-fi horror genre/tone, here's how I'd tackle Mole Man for the sequel. Tie it in with the idea of, "mole people" or homeless subway dwellers with a disgraced Harvey Elder living among them and then discovering an underground kingdom made up of terrifying human-eating creatures, among them Giganto. Think along the lines of the most recent Godzilla movie combined with The Descent.

3. More humor. Don't be afraid to explore dysfunction among the main cast.

4. Save Annihilus for after Franklin Richards is born. Don't bring him out until Part 3. Don't do Galactus unless you're doing a crossover with the X-Men. Annihilus should be part of the sequel's post-credits scene with the Annihilation Wave behind him.

5. As for where the main cast is. The FF should be incorporated as the Future Foundation with the Fantastic Four as their public face and numerous other scientists working for the Future Foundation under Reed and Sue's direction. Reed and Sue should be married by this point. Johnny should be the public face of the team. Ben should have to deal with not being seen as a freak but a celebrity who due to his appearance, can never blend into a crowd and has to be harassed by paparazzi. He needs to struggle with having to take the stairs because he's over the weight limit of most elevators. Make sure that the things which the other three take for granted are off limits to him so we love him but also feel sorry for him.

6. As for where Doom is. He should be ruler of Latveria by this point. Since Fox is going the Ultimate Doom route, he should be a techno-organic being. have him be the origin of the transmode virus to give the Phalanx and Earthbound origin. Make him be in the process of upgrading his body with all sorts of technology to the point where he resembles his appearance in Fantastic Four 350 by Walt Simonson, complete with glowing eyes. Make him this isolated, reclusive dictator who is so paranoid about being usurped that he's surrounded entirely by machines and only interacts with humans behind a computer screen. I'd also make a reference to the outrage over him being a blogger by having him be so isolated that he announces placing a trade embargo on another country via Reddit which would be part of a newscast in the opening shot of the film.

7. Doom should be aiding the FF because Mole Man is a threat to Latveria. Doom isn't willing to sacrifice the lives of his citizens and the FF don't want to see civilians die. They stay teamed up until they both kill Giganto and Doom wants to invade Subterrania while Reed wants to let the Mole People and Moloids alike live in peace. Doom's lust for vengeance and security for Latveria at all costs should draw a contrast between him and Reed's desire for peace and stability at all costs. Eventually Doom relents simply because he doesn't want the FF to jepoardize his rule of Latveria.

8. Bring in the Doombots. Have a scene where Giganto eats Doom and then coughs up the scrap metal only to have another Doom (the real one) introduce himself with a big boast about how he isn't so easily defeated.

9. By the time part 3 comes along, look at Fantastic Four 251-256, Fantastic Four 267, the Three storyline by Jonathan Hickman and Ultimate Fantastic Four 13-18. Have Sue be pregnant with a second child and Annihilus obsessed with Franklin Richards' latent powers. Sue should be out of action and in labor and Annihilus should kill of Johnny in the Negative Zone before the Annihilation Wave hits Earth. Doctor Doom replaces the Human Torch's slot on the Fantastic Four since the leaked script showed that Doom knows all about Annihilus and therefore knows how to combat him. Eventually Johnny is revealed to be alive at the end and defeats Annihilus but not until after we seen Annihilus enter the room with Sue as she's giving birth. We don't see what happens in that scene but we get a scream with a fade to black and we're informed that Sue's second child didn't make it. The Annihilation Wave is defeated by Reed opening a portal to suck them back into the Negative Zone. The post-credits scene should feature Doom cradling an infant implied to be Sue's child.

10. A fourth film should be an adaptation of Mark Waid's Unthinkable and the Claremont/Larrocca run with Doom once again presented as the big bad and Valeria Richards playing a role.

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