samedi 30 mai 2015

The 2016 Republican Candidates

So, that clown car is getting mighty full. The Republicans now have 8 declared candidates. That's a lot, considering there are several viable and likely candidates still waiting to jump in.

What I find most interesting, is that none of these current candidates are easily dismissible, at least if you're a Republican. Even the Fox News polls (which leave out Rand Paul), put most of them at 10%, or close.

So far we have: Dr. Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, George Pataki, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum.

Pretty much everyone agrees that Jeb Bush will throw his hat in the ring. Unless Scott Walker is planning to run for governor in Iowa, his frequent trips probably mean that he'll be running soon too.

Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal have been picking fights with Rand Paul, and opining on national policy, so they may jump in too. Rick Perry is clearly toying with the idea. And then there's Lindsey Graham. I think that's a Daily Show pipe dream, but at this point, why not?

How is this going to work with so damn many people?

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