samedi 30 mai 2015

Your review thread

So this thread is for we SHHrs to write our own reviews for games, our own criteria, written in any shape or form we desire. Besides discussions in designated threads, this review thread should also help to give us, each other perspective on games we've played. I'll start.

LittleBigPlanet 2

As I've stated before, this game was one of the best Ps3 games to me period, and one of the greatest games of the last generation. The tagline of this series is play, create, share, but I'll be focusing on the play. I never had the ambition of committing to creating levels in LBP, ever. But the game was a blast to play with. In an era of gaming where local multiplayer is on its way out unless you're on a nintendo console, LBP2 is loads of fun with friends, on the couch. It was a huge step up from the original in many ways but boy was its successor a letdown.

Anyways, the campaign levels were a blast to play through and the bonus levels were fun as well. Unfortunately however problems that plagued the mp portion was how the game was contingent on having all the players on the screen instead of doing splitscreen but I suppose that would complicate things.

+cute & cuddly
+potential for lots of local multiplayer fun
+campaign is a joy to play through
+updated graphics works well with all the backward compatible levels from LBP1
+soundtrack. the soundtrack of LBP has always been its strong suit
+the miniature characters actually have dialogue now instead of always mumbling nonsense
+move support worked well with this game.
+all the dlc costumes you bought, as well as all the custom ones you made yourself, carry over to this sequel!
-lack of splitscreen hurts gameplay, although it could be for the best
-after playing through a good portion of it, it does start to feel old
-as fun as the game is, the story is a bit too nonsensical for me

my score: 9.3/10

The Last of Us

As this was a ND title, I was interested from it since it was announced, but gradually, as I learned more and more about it, the less and less interested I became. However, I recently got to play it in its entirety. And I'd say by about 99%, it lives up to the hype. It shares similarities with the Uncharted series, namely, the engine, and the fact that this is also a 3rd person shooter. Minus the fact that this game has a post apocalyptic setting with the survivor-horror story genre giving you a feeling of scarcity throughout, the actual shooting I would say is an improvement over the Uncharted series and it seems like Uc4 has taken several queues from it. And of course, this game is very story driven. And with a lot of ND's story driven games, this game would've benefited so much with a coop campaign mode. Sad to have it absent.

+Story is (while not absolutely flawless) very compelling.
+Graphics are quite amazing, especially on Ps3 (for its time)
+While I'm not entirely sure, the campaign lasted for a good 10 hours I think
+Gameplay & navigation through the campaign actually allowed for a lot of freedom and choices for how the player would like to have it executed. Although sometimes some routes are more obvious and easier to take than others.
+Multiplayer while still pvp is quite different, and encourages teamwork. But you can't exactly go in guns blazing.
-No splitscreen coop campaign. Games like this would be perfect for that.
-The story at certain times felt a bit weak to me. Just a few times, a few stutters for this masterpiece, at large.
-The friendly AI can get really annoying sometimes in the game. Getting in your way, stuff like that.

my score: 9.9/10

okay, so I just wanna state a record in case this thread gains traction. At certain points I or anyone else may write something in their review that someone else disagrees with or feels wrong about. Just remember that this is for each and every one of our own reviews - so it's all about our own opinions. That's all. Okay

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