samedi 23 mai 2015

The Original Cut: What do you think was omitted and why?

The original cut of the film is said to be roughly three and a half hours.

I was going to cite sources, but a quick Google search will provide proof

And direct from Whedon's mouth:

The point of this thread is to discuss what we think may have been cut, why it was cut and how different the film may have been with a little bit of that fat left untrimmed. I personally really love the film, but like many others, I feel that there are some pacing issues and some truncated moments that seem to hinder some scenes.

So what do you think was cut?

For example: I think there's evidence that Vision and Thor likely had more of an altercation during the birthing scene. Had that been left in, it could have been a cool action scene that showed vision as potential threat. but it also might have allowed the audience to better understand Vision's naivete and his distinct powers and abilities.

Clearly Loki was cut. What could that have added? Were there scenes that showed a slower progression of Ultron's turn into a evil "murderbot". Do you think the twins have any worthwhile scenes that didn't make it to the final cut? Would you have liked any extended scenes of the Hulk, maybe even giving him a few lines?

What would you have liked to see included? What deleted scenes do you think will show up on DVD/BluRay? Would you want a 3 and 1/2 hour run time?

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