jeudi 1 mai 2014

Trying to ID a story / plot

Hey folks

I'm hoping that someone can help me to ID a story/plotline that I read as a teenager. I can only remember a few details and its been driving me mad trying to work out what it was... The marvel universe is so huge that googling hasn't really got me very far.

Here's what I remember:

1. The main villain was essentially a big strong muscly human. He had a very simple/childlike intellect but was a combat expert. He worked for some kind of secret organisation and there was a female scientist who acted as his "mother". He didn't have superpowers but he had technology which let him "fly".

2. The storyline I'm thinking of features SHIELD, and The Punisher had a very, very short cameo in it. The Punisher is visiting SHIELD when the main villain attacks. Punisher hears the sound of gunfire/explosions and says something like ".22s, stun grenades, and something else I don't recognise" and Fury replies "the .22s are ours, no idea about the rest..."

3. At the end of the attack SHIELD have been badly beaten up. Villain is returning to his dropship (I think) and has kidnapped a random female SHIELD agent. Female scientist/mother tells him not to bring "toys" back with him and so he drops the agent to her death.

4. I *think* this was published in the early to mid 1990s, but it might have been before then.

Any ideas? I'm sorry the details are so vague but I can only remember a few specific panels of the comic!!


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