mardi 27 mai 2014

New Ant-Man title (What do you want?)

might be a pipe dream. but i'm kind of hoping on Marvel being predictable and wanting to launch some kind of Ant-Man-related title after the movie (if there is a movie). what are your personal wants from such a title?

me, i want it to redefine Henry Pym as a character. we need a definitive backstory. i would like to learn more about Maria Trovayna; that part of his life. and i'd love it if they could re-envision his old rogues gallery/make them less silly. change and rebranding would be key. it needs to not seem so dated. here's a character that could truly benefit from a fresh coat of paint.

and i also would like it to be a double-sized book; half Pym story/half Scott Lang story. Scott's half could even be on a schedule to turn into Janet Van Dyne stories at some point. but i, personally, need an alternative to Hank.

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