vendredi 30 mai 2014

My tidbits for the movie

Here are my thoughts on what can happen on the film:

- Apocalypse will be like a Sebastian Shaw. A very powerful man, with lots of resources gathered through millenia. I think we will only see his grayish skinned form until the film´s end.

- Mystique will be convinced by Apocalypse to join him (since she is now on her own).

- Mystique will deliver Logan to Apocalypse.

- Apocalypse will fund the Weapon X project alongside Stryker and put the adamantium on Logan (finally we will have the REAL Weapon X project, leading to an amnesiac Wolverine).

- The young X-Men will fight Apocalypse, Mystique and Wolverine as a horsemen.

- Magneto´s will show Mystique that Apocalypse is not the way, and save her from him, thus leading them to be together once again.

- Wolverine will end up in the wilderness without Xavier being able to track him due mental blocks that Logan will have (this is, I think, the best way to go, since an interaction with Wolverine and the young X-Men might look a little bit off, specially with a young Jean).

So mostly, the film will feature two plots: the recruit of the young X-Men, and Logan undergoing the Weapon X Project.

I really hope that X-Men: Apocalypse will finally lead Mystique into her darker path. A compassionate, emotive Mystique, is just NOT her. I think we had enough of that. Also, the film can bring back Liev as Victor, and again, a young Gambit being captive by Stryker.

What do you think? What do you hope to see in the movie?

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