jeudi 29 mai 2014

Gambit in the Apocalypse Movie

Well, we know that Gambit will be in the Apocalypse movie, and that he will be played by Channing. That's a different discussion.

What I want to discuss are possible plotlines for Gambit in an Apocalypse movie...

First, looking at canon, what we know about Gambit is that we first met him when he met Storm, who was the first X-Man Gambit met. Storm had been de-aged and her memory had been affected. Gambit helped her escape from the Shadow King.

When he first met her, Gambit seemed to recognize Storm in some manner, probably as one of the people that fought the Marauders during the Morlock Massacre or possibly because he already knew of the X-Men. We found out later that he was working for Mr. Sinister and was involved on the wrong side of the Morlock Massacre.

He wanted to help Storm and took her youthful version in as his apprentice, stealing from criminals and giving to the poor. (Storm having grown up as a street thief had skills, as did Gambit as a member of the Thieve's Guild).

Storm eventually remembered being an X-Man and returned to the team, with Gambit joining her. She and Gambit have an almost brother/sister relationship, and he stayed at first with the X-Men because of her and he eventually earned his own place on the team.

Of course this story can't work 100% since in the mid-1980's, when this Apocalypse story is supposed to take place, Ororo is going to be a teenager, likely around 15 years old.

But, there are aspects of this plot that could be used. If Professor X will be going around recruiting students, such as Scott, Jean, Kurt and Ororo; which makes a lot of sense, then having Gambit with Storm could work.

Now, how old should Gambit be in say 1985?

Well, the Wolverine: Origins movie took place in 1979 and my best guess is that Gambit was in his mid-20's to early 30's. That would make him around 30-ish, maybe mid-30's at the latest, in 1985.

So this could work...

I could easily see a 30-something Gambit in Cairo with a 14 or 15 year old Ororo, thieving and giving to the poor. Some plot point would happen setting up the two to meet Professor Xavier and them getting invited to the school. Does it need to be the Shadow King? Nope, just something that would help them develop their friendship. And that friendship, between Ororo and Gambit, could be a big plot point for those characters...

As far as the whole Morlock Massacre and Gambit working for Sinister, maybe it's possible to work it in, but would it be necessary? If they wanted the whole betrayal aspect for Gambit he could just be working for Sinister or Apocalypse without the whole Morlock plot. Maybe he was being used to find possible candidates to be Horsemen? Actually, making Gambit a Horseman himself could work as well. In Canon, Gambit has been the Horseman Death (though I feel that that will be Wolverine's role in this movie). It is possible to use him in this way, or make him one of the other Horsemen, such as War or Pestilence...

Obviously Gambit and Rogue's relationship can't work here, especially after what we saw at the end of DOFP, and the fact that Rogue will be too young to be in the Apocalypse movie.

The whole Bella Donna story might be good for a solo-Gambit movie, but not for the Apocalypse movie...

Now, thinking about the Egypt setting for Ororo and Gambit, imagine the two of them going into some pyramid (hmmm, didn't we see a pyramid in the after credits scene of DOFP?) to steal some treasure and instead finding some crypt and possibly awaking some major threat that would put them on the run while alerting a powerful telepath such as Professor X?


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