mercredi 28 mai 2014

Wolverine - The Horseman Death

So, in looking over the different storylines associated with Apocalypse there's really only one or two that would make sense for this X-Men Universe.

The first is The Age of Apocalypse, but with what we now know post DOFP I think it's safe to say we're not going to get this, and that's too bad.

Yes, this would have been "just one more" timeline story, but it's arguably one of the best storylines in the history of the X-Men and provides the ability to take known "good" mutants and put them on the wrong side, as well as taking known "bad" mutants and making them part of the heroes.

The fact that the Apocalypse movie is suppoed to be in the 80's, and the fact that we saw a glimpse of the future (2023) in the Wolvie wake-up scene, makes this story extremely unlikely.

The next is the Cable & Stryfe storyline where Apocolypse has his Riders abduct Nathan Summers (the son of Scott & Madelyne Pryor). This is the story where Apocalypse infects Nathan with the techno-organic virus, forcing his parents to send their baby to the future. In the future the Askani create a clone of Nathan, Apocalypse mistakes the clone for Nathan, tries to transfer his consciousness into the clone, and is then defeated by Nathan. Nathan grows up to become Cable and the clone grows up to become the terrorist Stryfe.

Again, good story and would give us Cable (setting up X-Factor), but this is more time travel and it's kind of hard to do the baby of Scott in the 80's, so this is a no go. This also takes away the X-Cutioner's Song since Stryfe is integral to it.

Next is The Twelve storyline. Again, a very good story where Apocalypse tries to use the energy of those mutants listed in a prophecy to become an effective god. He plans to use Nate Grey as a host and is defeated by Scott and Jean, etc.

Obviously the concept of Nate won't work, and really Scott and jean won;t as well since it was Nate they were trying to save, but the general storyline of Apocalypse using psychics (and other mutants) to try to become godlike might make sense. But without the Summers/Grey emotional arc I'm not convinced it's the best option.

The Four Horsemen.

This is actually the one I think they go with.

The storyline is actually a bit basic and focuses on Apocalypse recruiting mutants to be his Horsemen and him planning on destroying New York. The main emotional arc is based around Angel, who had previously lost his wings and having been saved by Apocalypse is altered to become Archangel, his Horseman Death.

So first, I can't see Angel being used. Since he was part of the X3 debacle, and this movie is supposed to be in the 80's, well looks like Angel won't, unfortunately, become Archangel.

But, that doesn't mean that the general storyline is unusable.

Look at the basis of what this story is...

1. The ultimate mutant, born in ancient Egypt, who believes in survival of the fittest, tries to destroy New York.

Ok, this would give plenty of cause for the X-Men to fight. Shoot, it could even be expanded to trying to destroy/take over the world if they want.

2. It gives multiple baddies in the four Horsemen, along with Apocalypse. The Horseman are as follows:

Death, Famine, War & Pestilence.

3. It has one of the loved X-Men altered into the Horseman Death. In this case it can't be Angel, so which mutant, of those in the First Class timeline (70s-80s) would be the best choice?

Actually, let's list the options:

- Beast

- Erik

- Charles

- Mystique

- Quicksilver

- Havok

- Toad

- Ink


- Wolverine

Of all of these, I believe Wolverine makes the most sense. In fact, he's been the Horseman Death before, so it's somewhat per canon.

Now, is Hugh Jackman done? My guess is not so much, especially if they show him the money.

One draw to this is that we've never seen Wolverine as the bad guy. We've never seen the other X-Men have to fight against him. And I believe there is a draw to that idea...

Now, here's another connection...

Mystique was proven to be all about saving the mutants. And even though she didn't kill Trask that doesn't mean she wouldn't still care about the fate of her fellow mutants.

Now Apocalypse could be thought of as someone who is on the side of the mutants, and as such I could see her siding with him. Especially if she was shown that the choice is either the destruction of her beloved brethren, or serving Apocalypse and saving mutantkind.

I could see her ending up serving as an agent for Apocalypse, and possibly she is already serving in this capacity during DOFP.

Is it just possible that Mystique saved Wolverine at the end of DOFP so he can become the Horseman Death?

I think the answer is yes!

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