jeudi 29 mai 2014

What are your Top 3 favorite movies?

What are your top 3 movies that you absolutely love? No matter the genre,time period, or quality if it's your favorite then list it. Plead your case as to why everyone should see these 3 films if they somehow haven't viewed them already.

The Dark Knight (2008)

Can't imagine there's anyone on this message board who hasn't seen this, but it's my absolute favorite movie. Without a doubt my Batman fan hood makes me bias to having TDK at the very top, but with such an incredible cast with such an exciting and tragic story told along side it makes it one of the most eye opening movies of my life. To see characters I grew up reading and viewing in cartoons in such a realistic setting that if I walk down the streets of Chicago (where it was filmed) right now I could spark the excitement of what this movie offered. It's honestly inspired me and changed my life in making me pursue more with my life.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

I remember watching Raiders almost every other day as a kid on VHS in the early 90's, it was just a fun ride with such a charismatic lead in Ford. An unlikely hero who had to make up plans as he went and would get shot and beaten up worse then Bond has in 23 films. The music is just as exciting as the film and hearing it makes me feel like a kid again taking part in the adventures of Indiana Jones. As I grew up I learned to appreciate the effort and craft to come from such a movie, it went on to spawn on a 3 more movies but I still hold Raiders in highest regard to all of them.

American Beauty (2000)

It's a movie that I saw fresh out of high school in 2006, I felt like a learned so much appreciation for life after seeing this twisted story. I felt like I had matured years by the time the credits were rolling. Instantly became my favorite movie until TDK took its place two years later.

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