mercredi 28 mai 2014

What are the worst experiences you've ever had in the movie theatre?

List no more than a handful of movies that were so offensively dumb or incompetent that you found yourself mostly greatly irritated, and a brief reason why.

Do not list movies where you fell asleep (that can be viewed as a positive) or movies that were frustrating because the audience was rude or annoying.


Thor: The Dark World: They thought that Erik Selvig running around naked was so funny they repeated it several times. A dumb plot about the alignment of the realms and the shallowest CBM villain ever.

V for Vendetta: An adaption of an 1980s graphic novel as an unbelievably heavy-handed and impotent criticism of George W. Bush.

Contagion: Racist and misogynistic character and national portrayals, embedded with an American liberal fantasy about the perfect efficiency of government.

Thor 2 stands out in that I found it aggressively dumb in the first 10 minutes.

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