mercredi 28 mai 2014

What are the best experiences you've had in a cinema? (nods to DA :P)

So there is a worst experiences thread. How about best experiences? You know when you come out of a showing with a huge grin on your face, surrounding by other people with similar goofy grins on their face.

Or an experience that has a deeper feeling for you.

Avengers- One of the funnest times i've ever had in a cinema. Looking at it now, it's not THAT great of a film. But what it is unquestionably good at is creating that visceral thrill ride sensation. The part when Hulk punches Thor and smashes Loki? The cinema erupted in laughter. Hundreds of people all just going crazy at the same moment.

Children of Men- The feeling that film gave me at the end is hard to explain. A sadness but also a sense of joy. The scene where the soldiers and rebels stop fighting as Theo carries the baby out of the war torn building... I could sense the effect that had on people. It was tangible how powerful that moment was.

Pitch Black- I got my first blow job in the back of the cinema during a showing of this. Well, it was a great experience :)

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