samedi 31 mai 2014

Scenes/Moments that need to be in

This is a bit less ambitious than storylines. Obviously, people have different ideas of which storylines should be season 1 (or season only) of Daredevil and most of the ideas won't appear. However, small moments or scenes from the comics can often be quite iconic or would be very dramatic on screen. So this thread is for that. I'll leave out the obvious, like Matt Murdock saving a man crossing the street and getting blinded.

The one that instantly comes to mind for me is Daredevil fighting Bullseye and "sees" him go into the Subway. He pauses for a second, knowing his radar sense would be useless with the oncoming trains and then proceeds anyway because, duh, he's the man without fear. Generally, Bullseye had the upper hand. However, Daredevil started winning through sheer determination:


And then, he had him defeated and had to choose whether to let him die or let him live:


The payoff here is he let him live because, in Daredevil's mind, the law ("following the rules") is too important. When his Dad hit him and "broke the rules" he realized that no one can be above those rules. Bullseye had to be tried by a jury even though he was dangerous and even though he probably would win at trial, it didn't matter. And, in the end, Bullseye was acquitted at trial, came back out on the street, and killed Elektra (although, in the comics, I think he was arrested again and escaped, which defeats the narrative somewhat, so I'm ignoring that).

So, any moments that stood out to you as iconic or just really fun to see?

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