jeudi 1 mai 2014

kick-ass 3

i was curious if anyone was following KA3? i've read them all starting when KA1 came out. and i couldn't find any forums out there so i figured i'd start a thread here

KA1 i thought was pretty damn good! i collected the books, and saw the movie and prefer the book over the movie. when the second books came out i thought colonel stars was going to take over the and make up for the short role that bid daddy had, and this was the time that millar could make up for daddy's short role. but nope... the colonel got 2 issues and then got erased...

i hate how the character development works... KA3 ive read and waiting on the final issue now, and im quiet disappointed.. they made huge character development with the new character "the juicer" 3 maybe even 4 books he was in, and the books looked as though it was building him up for something BIG, maybe bigger then colonel stars, and big daddy but...[SPOILER] nope...only to be shot in the face awhile eating a hot dog...[/SPOILER]what the heck already..

i havent read any of his other books but does he do the same thing? build up these super cool characters and then kill them off with out them even doing anything?

im curious to see what happen in the last book, but im completely disappointed with the 3rd series and was curious how other fans felt?

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