vendredi 23 mai 2014

The 2023 Claws Conundrum [Spoilers]

Minor spoilers ahead

So Wolverine's claws have been bothering me... The 70s Wolverine naturally has bone claws, but for both 2023 versions, the adamantium claws are never explained, and it seems to me like a big deal.

OT 2023 - despite losing them in The Wolverine, in the 8 years since TW, he has somehow got them back. Are we to assume that Magneto gave them back to him? Doesn't that somewhat negate the point of TW? And besides, why even show the claws? There was no need

New 2023 - Ok so this time we don't see anything, obviously with a view to tell the story again, but presumably he is adamantium laden again, because well, it's Wolverine. So in that case, rewind to 1973. At the end of the film, Stryker takes custody of Logan. I thought that was brilliant, easily setting up Weapon X. But instead its a fake out, and ends up being Mystique. Can't figure that one out at all, anyone got any ideas? I did think Apocalypse could do it next time around but Wolverine would have no need for adamantium or knowledge of it...


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