lundi 26 mai 2014

Magneto and the Brotherhood? (Spoilers)

At the end of DoFP, Magneto makes a speech about mutants uniting in brotherhood. Watching in fear were Quicksilver (and his little sister that may or may not be Scarlett Witch), as well as Toad who seemed very interested.

Given that Magneto's not going to be getting written out anytime soon, it's likely he's going to accompanied by his team of evil mutants next time we meet him, who do you want the line up to be?

Personally I'd like to see the original line up of:

Toad (Who nodded his head while magneto spoke on the news)

Quicksilver (Who while not a terrorist, is a bit of troublemaker and is magneto's son)

Scarlett Witch (could do without her)

Mastermind (Who in this timeline won't be lobotomized by Striker like he was in X2)

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