lundi 26 mai 2014

2nd Viewing and Beyond...How do you think the film holds up in subsequent viewings?

For the first time in probably 10 years I went to see a film for the second time opening weekend. The last time I saw a film twice in the theater was Avengers, and that second viewing occurred weeks after the first. Going into the second viewing of DOFP I kept thinking that I was potentially making a mistake. I thought I might be sucking the joy out of the first experience by going so quickly afterward.

Walking out of the second viewing I felt as good as I felt the first time around. It didn't feel like a second viewing. It didn't feel like I was overplaying the experience. It felt exactly as it should have, like I had seen a cinematic work of art again. I was as engaged and entertained, and loved every minute of it.

I'm contemplating going to see it again tonight.

This is a sign of a great film which is why I'm convinced that it will have strong box office legs.

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