lundi 26 mai 2014

Hank and Xavier's "treatment"

Well, not really big spoilers I guess, as it was seen in ALL the trailers that Charles can walk in the past, and Beast is not so "Beasty."

Any who, I'm about to get into the specifics of this, in case you want to retain some level of spoiler free-ness regarding the specific details of these aspects of the film.

Ok, so Hank has developed a serum which suppresses mutation, while also fixing someone's spine . . . ok, I'll buy it for now.

Now, in the original future, Hank clearly is no longer using this serum (as we saw in X3) but he still drawn to the idea of at least APPEARING normal.

If he had this serum, why wasn't he using it? What made him stop?

Obviously we have literally DECADES for something to change between the end of 70's timeline DOFP and the end of future timeline DOFP/X3 original timeline.

Also, if Hank had a serum which could be used to suppress the x-gene back in the 70's, why did it take Worthington labs, or the scientific community at large, 30-40 more years before developing a "cure?" On top of that, they had to resort to taking something from another mutant.

Granted, Hank STARTED with what he took from Raven, but that was specifically for the changing the exterior/hiding visible mutations by utilizing her shape-shifting abilities.

We certainly don't know if he was still using something based on Raven's blood; however, given that his new treatment seems to affect the x-gene itself, suppressing one's mutation, as opposed to just camouflaging it.

Anywho, point is, 3-4 decades later, and the only attempt at a "cure" seems to be no more advanced than what Hank was doing in the 70's.

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