lundi 26 mai 2014

Can the comics learn from the movie?

I watched the scene with Professor X talking to his younger self; Even when the whole world had been destroyed around him, when mutants were being exterminated and Magneto had all but been proved right, he still had hope. He still had hope that there could be a better path for mutant and human alike. I LOVED this scene.

I've not seen this Professor X for a long time, not with all his many dark secrets coming out every year (and another soon in Original Sin it seems). I've missed this Charles.

This + the whole ending really got me nostalgic for everything I used to love about the X-Men comics! Nowadays, it's all about war and death. A large number of X-Men have no qualms killing, Cyclops is practically the same as Mags always was (trying to stop a "war" that he's thus perpetuating), and I don't think the writers even understand Professor X's dream anymore.

Why can't we go back to simpler, happier times? Why can't the X-Men be a real family again? Why can't the X-Men have hope again?

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