dimanche 25 mai 2014

What´s gonna happen in Age of Apocalypse? [Discussions based on DOFP]

First of all, if you haven´t seen DOFP, don´t read on. THERE ARE SPOILERS.

My interest for the x-men movies has significally increased after having seen DOFP and it´s post-credits scene. With interest comes questions, questions I´d like to know what you guys think about!

What do you think will happen in Age of Apocalypse and why?

So Logan woke up in the future where Scott, Jean, Rogue, Bobby, Kitty and more are alive. Shouldn´t the new cast like Fassbender, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence an so on be taking over tho?

What will they do with Wolverine? Looked like he was picked up and taken away so perhaps the next Wolverine movie includes his adamantium operation? I´m thinking Jackman´s next movie will end at a time where Age of Apocalypse is starting to form. So we´d get some Apocalypse tease in that Wolverine movie. In other words the AoA movie takes place after Wolverine gets his adamantium and eventually leads up to that moment where Jean and Scott are alive as seen in the end of DOFP?

They´re just ideas, haven´t read X-men comics so only theory crafting based on the movies. What do you think will happen? :D

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