jeudi 22 mai 2014

What Would I Do For The Amazing Spider-Man 3?

So while I was outside doing yard work, my mind was wondering and I though about what I was discussing earlier about how Spider-Man's future looks the worse out of Fox, Sony, WB, and Disney. I thought about The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and how people would be interested in it and what direction it would go. I thought about making this a comment but the deeper and deep I thought, the more ideas I had. So I thought, why not make this my own thread?

The best way I would describe my take on TASM3 is the theme is moving on and letting go in some aspects.

We will see this is numerous aspects.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I thought about how TASM2 ended. Honestly I'm not convinced Spidey is back. We see Spidey back but he's still hurting. While Peter was Spider-Man before, he always had Gwen to hold him down and be his support but he lost that with Gwen. He has nothing to go home to. Even worse is his best friend murdered her and is in jail. Point is, Peter is damaged.

Peter currently is in his sophomore year in college and taking photos for the Bugle. He lives with Aunt May still. I will come back to some more aspects about Peter.

Mary Jane Watson: Oh course, we finally see MJ. My idea she is a transfer student who recently moved to Queens next door to the Parkers. Aunt May and MJ's mother became good friends and introduced Peter and MJ. Not the "You just hit the jackpot" style. No offense Stan Lee. She likes to smile a lot and is very energetic.

My take on MJ is very different in a way. I'm not saying she's a feminist but she has a difficult time trusting men and the reason for this is her relationship with her father. She would see him beat on her mother as well as cheat on her. This isn't the "party girl" MJ in the comics, it's more of my own take. She does keep this pain hidden inside her and mask it a bit with how she feels about her father.

With MJ, I did think how to make her different from Gwen. Gwen was smart. Books smart so MJ would be more street smart so to speak. MJ has a passion for art so to speak. She does draw and paint and is trying to get into the Art department of the school she goes to college with with Peter. Art can make you free so to speak and let out all the anger you have and that's how MJ deals with her pain so to speak.

I do know they would share a class or 2 but it would be a more basic classes.

Eddie Brock: My take on Eddie is different and somewhat based off the Ultimate while keeping the spirit and idea of the 616 intact. He's a college student who becomes a friend to Peter. Eddie isn't the best student. He is a lab partner with Peter. Eddie at first seems friendly to Peter but we learn that he cheats off him on tests and assignments. Peter doesn't discovers it and doesn't think it's right. He tells the teacher and in the end, Eddie gets expelled from the college.

Rather than thinking about what he did was wrong, he blames Peter and will have REVENGE!!!

Flash Thompson: I did think of having Flash somewhat involved. It's more to close out the trilogy and connect everything. Flash is at the college Peter is but he's different. He has no legs. After Flash's first semester in college, he went to Afghanistan and a truck blew up. He was set home.

Him and Peter do have a better relationship than before. Peter does help him out and they kind of become good friends. In order words, they move on.

State Of Oscorp/Venom: Due to the fact Oscorp had 3 former workers plus someone steal tech from them commit crimes, Oscorp is failing and may go out of business. Stocks are down as well as public support. Peter hears how they might go out of business and goes to the SPIDER-DADCAVE to see if his father was involved in anything else at Oscorp. We learn his father did think of an idea to save Norman as well as cure cancer via the Venom symbiote. Yes it's more based off the Ultimate design because we got a more 616 approach with Spider-Man 3. Also aliens don't exist in this Spider-Man universe so it ain't looking good.

Peter sneaks in to Oscorp, finds the symbiote, attaches to him, BLACK SUIT. Yea.

Mysterio: My take on Mysterio takes a lot of different things. He's kind of like Val Kilmer now. He was a big time actor but he's not remembered. He's no longer big and studios don't want him. At first he creates a villain like a Scooby Doo villain and kind of haunts movie sets of former directors who wouldn't hire him and actors who beat him out for roles.

He sees how big he's getting in the news and takes it to a more grand scale. This next idea is Spider-Man 2 the game influence where we see an alien invasion in NYC? Of course it's an illusion but we don't know that till it's too late.

I don't have many other ideas at the moment. I know in his final battle with Spider-Man, Spidey will see Kid Goblin and Gwen and it messes with his head. The way how Spidey defeats Mysterio is similar to the "first" appearance of Venom in Ultimate. Because Spidey is seeing visions of Gwen dead and Harry laughing along with Mysterio, he's pissed which cause Venom to come out and play like so:

It leaves Mysterio traumatized and Spidey leaves the scene trying to save himself against the suit.

My only problem is I'm not sure how to have Eddie come in contact with Venom. I did think what if Eddie was a janitor at Oscorp and he sees Peter returning the suit. He figures out Peter is Spidey and opens the can. Once he's Venom maybe he attacks the school looking for Peter as well as the dean and teacher who expelled him.

Overall that's a rough idea I have for the film. I thought of it for like 25 minutes and it took nearly 45 to type. So thoughts on this?

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