lundi 26 mai 2014

What they SHOULD do with the series from here on out

Here's just a few ideas I had, was wondering what people thought of them.. I put em in bullet points cause I could probably write a novel if I kept on going.

-First off make the Apocalypse storyline a two-parter (it kills me that they'll probably not do this.)

-Have Sinister and Magneto and the Brotherhood as villains in the first part with Magneto teaming with the xmen to take down Apocalypse in the second. (Magneto could have gone off to form Genosha at the end of DOFP)

-They can show why Cyclops and Jean are crazy about one another.

-Introduce the Morlocks.

-Introduce the Exiles with Cable, Blink, and Angel coming back in time to help out with Apocalypse. (Best possible way to reintroduce Angel IMO)

-Have Nightcrawler teleport Quicksilver into a cell of some kind after a fight (only way I can see anyone taking him out)

-Have Wolverine, Angel, Gambit as Horseman (would be a cool fresh dynamic to have wolverine be the bad guy for a change)

-Then if the Age of Apocalypse movies turn out to be as good as DOFP then they can redo the Dark Phoenix storyline with the younger actors if they wanted.

What do you guys think? Kinberg opened up a lot of possibilities with this movie. He has a fun job ahead of him. I just hope he takes full advantage and doesnt miss out on any golden opportunities. I honestly wish I could just spit out some of these ideas to Kinberg real quick with the hopes some of it might stick

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