mardi 27 mai 2014

The Small Things That Go A Long Way

What things in this film did you like that were small things but a big deal for you?

For me, no doubt where the Sanford & Son music was playing and we saw the opening to the show. Love that show to death. My dad showed me that show couple years ago and I loved it. I was grinning like an idiot in the theater when that was playing while humming the theme.

Also the fact this film had an opening credit. Is it me or are most CBMs nowadays not doing opening credits? The MCU films, TASM series, Nolan's Batman films. I remember as a kid watching the opening credit to Batman 89 and loving it. I remember seeing Spidey's 2 opening credits with the Alex Ross art. It seems most CBMs just show the title of film and move on.

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