samedi 24 mai 2014

the fate of Marc Webb

we both know sony screwed over both films but despite that i believ Marc Webb will most likely take all of the blame. why? well because over the years of the internet checking out stuff about movies, comics, games, etc. there seems to be a number of people blaming certain creators despite some being harrassed by the heads at certain companys like sony for instance. so despite all evidence shown people will still blame the people behind those things because of these things here in my perspective:



code of being a critic



so despite so many evidence of the film before release, so many stuff in the deleted scenes and pre visualizations shown online and on DVD, and seeing the differences between the director's handling and the company's handling a director like marc webb will still take the fall and today i've witnessed two youtubers spreading bullcrap online and it's what i've always feared. you know, i've been on youtube for possibly like 7 years and all my life i've run into some ignorant people no matter if their intentions are true or not it still sends shivers into my skin. and with how much crap marc webb and crew suffered before the release of their first movie they definitely deserve better than this. can you imagine if marc webb had creative freedom and worked with so many talented people and his first movie that doesn't involve spiderman he'll still get crapped on more than m night before the movie had been released?

anyway, i really want to know your thoughts because i feel bad for the poor guy and any director who would or had suffer the same fate as he had :(

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