lundi 26 mai 2014

Superhero/ Comic Book film of the year: 2014 Edition

While many have been called it slow due to the box office results right now being kinda weak, this is still a busy year for Superhero/ comic book movies.

Some liberties were taken with the movies, and i will put a poll once all of them have been released, the contestants are:

A reboot of the 1987 classic that used the same concept but adapted it into a more realistic and less comedic scenario. Made a decent profit on the box office, but didn't made the double of its budget, which means that a sequel is unlikelly at this point.

The awaited sequel to 300, based on a graphic novel that hasn't even been released yet, made 3 times its budget back, and a moderate success. It's both a Prequel and a Sequel to the original.

This film had better legs than most thought would be possible, and got a very positive critical reception. Many are even defending it as the best MCU movie yet.

A disapointment to many, but still has its fair share of defenders. Making less than SONY was expecting it to. Was supposed to be the film that opens the doors for Spider-Man's expanded universe, but ended up making all of those plans less likelly.

The teasers and trailers built tremendous ammounts of hype, since Godzilla is apparently called a hero from what i heard, i count it on the list. Word of mouth hasn't been so positive though, and while still a major success, it may not do as well as it could have with better word of mouth.

Been getting some amazing reviews. X-Men films don't tend to atract as big a public as they used to, but this may help it get back to the mainstream as it used to in the 2000s.

There's not much to talk about, will surelly make tons and tons of money, will probably outsold all the other films on this list.

A loose canon, may or may not pay off, fanboys will definitelly flood the theaters. Not sure about how well it will do, a talking Racoon doesn't exactly make me all that hopeful, in these cases they usually run those jokes until they're not funny anymore, but we'll see.

Going to be a hard sell on old fans, but kids will most likelly love it.

Just like 300, it's a very awaited sequel to a modern cult film, let's see how well it does.

So far, here's how i rank the ones i've seen:

1) X-Men: Days of Future Past

2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier

3) The Amazing Spider-Man 2

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