samedi 3 mai 2014

Days of Future Past: Fixes to Continuity

So as of a clip recently, one of the inconsistencies in the continuity of the X-Men franchise has been fixed in Days of Future Past.


When we see Charles Xavier rescuing some Mutants from the Mutant Prison on three-mile island (1979 or later) he was walking.

When we see Charles and Magneto recruiting a young Jean Gray (sometime in the 1980s), Charles is seen walking.

X-Men First Class featured the moment where Charles lost the use of his legs.

This therefore made the above scenes inconsistent as he was crippled in 1964 but walking in the 80s.

Days of Future Past is set in 1973...

One of the most recent clips explains that Charles Xavier [BLACKOUT]takes some kind of treatment that allows him to walk again but suppresses his X-Gene.[/BLACKOUT]

[SPOILER]Charles: The treatment for my spine affects my DNA.

Erik: You sacrificed your powers so you could walk again?[/SPOILER]

Days of Future Past therefore establishes that Xavier [BLACKOUT]has in his possession a treatment[/BLACKOUT] that allows him to walk for the above scenes.

Inconsistency fixed.

Wonder if there'll be others.

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