mardi 27 mai 2014

Could Fox make a deal with Sony for a Spider-Man F4 crossover?

Well, it looks like Fox has scrapped their terrible idea to put the Fantastic Four in the X-Men universe. However, I do think the Fantastic Four could work with a shared universe, and given that they're not that popular being in a shared universe would help with the audience.

Disney is run by greedy bastards so they probably won't allow the F4 to be in the MCU if they don't get 100% of the profits, but the Amazing Spider-Man films have been underperforming so Sony probably would accept an offer like this. The Fantastic Four would work great in a Spider-Man universe, since they interacted with each other in the comics a lot, and Doom could be considered a Spider-Man villain.

It will also create an interesting dynamic between the two, since the F4 are loved by society, while Spidey is mistrusted, although TASM2 seemed to fudge that up by having the city love him.

Either way I think this would work out pretty well, since Sony can't create a Spider-Verse making a stupid Sinister Six movie, and the Fantastic Four aren't that popular.

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