samedi 1 octobre 2016

Pyro: X-Direction

Pyro is a flame-throwing nemesis of the X-Men (Marvel Comics) and represents a psychopathic orientation towards pyromania.

Unlike the Human Torch, a member of the Fantastic Four (Marvel Comics), Pyro does not have any super-natural ability to produce fire, but he wields a deadly flame-thrower which is strapped onto his body, and he uses it to relentlessly create pure anarchy with the devastating force of fire.

We can use Pyro to understand comics art ethics (since pyromania is such an ominous deed), which is why I was thrilled to see this X-villain portrayed (nicely) in the X-Men Hollywood (USA) films.


Pyro was on the rooftop of the World Trade Center. It was September 10, 2001, one day before the Taliban's planned terrorist attack, which Pyro knew about through an inside contact with a Islamic fundamentalist terrorist cell in Iran. Pyro was using his flame-thrower to create strange and oddly beautiful designs with fire, and a crowd assembled to witness the strange feat, and news reporters claimed it was a 'random civilian performance-art event.'

Professor Xavier knew Pyro was up to something devious. He didn't believe the nemesis was simply doing some kind of 'civilian performance-art,' so he sent Wolverine and Storm to check out what was happening. When Wolverine and Storm arrived at the World Trade Center, they demanded to know why Pyro was randomly doing a 'performance-art' display of fire designs.

Pyro stared at Wolverine and Storm and told them that he was delivering a message about the strange and intriguing spiritual euphoria created by random pedestrians creating performance-art in urban environments. Wolverine/Logan was suspicious and told Pyro that urbanites didn't need a random presentation of the use of fire and that perhaps children might be erroneously misled (since fire is so dangerous).

PYRO: You underestimate the magic and beauty of fire.
WOLVERINE: No one is doubting your imagination, Pyro.
STORM: We're simply concerned that you might send the wrong message.
PYRO: You'll see a better message delivered to the world tomorrow!
WOLVERINE: What do you mean?
STORM: What are you up to, Pyro?
PYRO: Oh, nothing. I'm only saying today's performance-art is an omen.
WOLVERINE: An omen of terrorism?
STORM: I'm getting very strange vibes.
PYRO: Isn't art meant to change history?
WOLVERINE: Art is meant to comfort humanity.
STORM: Please go home!



Pyro (Wikipedia)

Pyro: X-Direction

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