dimanche 30 octobre 2016

A Rogue's tale episode of X-Men TAS

Another one of my favorite episodes and one that is quite emotional and well written.

This one deals with blocked memories of what Rogue had as she experiences bad flashbacks during a fight with Pyro/Blob/Avalance as she seen images of a woman she knew along time ago as Miss Marvel aka Captain Marv-ell (not to be confused with Captain Marvel aka Shazam as Marvel has their own Captain Marvel but pronounced differently) whom she absorbed her powers/strength perminately along time ago. Once she gets those images she finds the woman she put in a long time coma in a hospital with Mystique who has been playing tricks with her as she helps try to get her past back. She remembers how she kissed her first boyfriend when she was 14 yet he ended up in the hospital and how his angered father found out she is a mutant as she scolds her saying a line that hits you "You ain't my daughter! NOT ANYMORE!" as he leaves her and disowns her which was a powerful scene that hits viewers which some can relate to. She did runaway yet a woman (who was really Mystique in disguise) helped train her to control her powers to help alongside Pyro and Avalance yet didn't know she was gonna hijack Miss Marvel's powers which now she must deal with the inner-demons.

This episode is a nice Rouge origin episode with nice appearance by Captain Marvell (aka Miss Marvel) and has a nice happy ending as well. It really dwells into her troubled past and how she has to fight her inner demons that haunted her that were blocked out. Yet the ending was quite happy i should say and to make everyone know that Miss Marvel was ok.

A Rogue's tale episode of X-Men TAS

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