mercredi 26 octobre 2016

Suggestions For A Six Year Old?

My girlfriend's little nephew is a LOT like I was at his age, he's 6 about to turn 7, he's discovering reading and he's big into imagination, he can entertain himself for hours just walking around telling stories in his head. I was just like that, basically obsessed with anything involving heroes, adventure, fantasy, from Indiana Jones to Treasure Island to Huckleberry Finn, Knights Of The Roundtable, but ESPECIALLY superheroes and especially Superman and Batman. I loved the idea of a secret identity, I'd wear my superhero outfits to school under my clothes and go change in the bathroom.

So I think it'd be cool to kinda share some of the stuff I was into at that age with this kid, spark his imagination, encourage his creativity. Pass down the torch to the next generation, because I really relate to him at that age, and I don't think there's anybody else in the family who quite gets it. I know nobody really got me lol. I know he's seen and at least liked a lot of the superhero films of recent days, and a few of the pre Nolan Batman films, he's got the Batman Alvin and The Chipmunks tape, I had that when I was a kid, and he likes Captain Underpants.

Just trying to think of things that I loved at that age. There was so much. I watched basically every superhero movie and film in existence, somehow my mom managed to tape it all for me when it came on TV.

I was fine with regular grown up comics at that age, but I'' thinking he might like something that's a little more geared towards kids. Any suggestions or do you know kids of a similar age and mindset? Was thinking maybe either Lil Gotham or the Batman '66 comic, maybe...

Suggestions For A Six Year Old?

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