lundi 24 octobre 2016

Trump's chances?

I'll say upfront that I'm an Aussie, but I'm a totally nerd for the US election, particularly this election where you have a candidate that isn't the conventional major party candidate that you would normally see in a Presidential race. I spent about 4 hours yesterday pouring over polls and media reports on who's likely to win and they all seemed to point to the fact that Trump's chances at getting the keys to the White House is pretty slim and the Clinton's will be moving back into their old house in the new year.

I'm keen to hear from both Democrats and Republicans, the latest "polling map" on that I have found has Clinton at 272 to Trump's 112 with 154 toss up. Do you guys agree with this assessment? What I find odd about this, which makes me doubt it, is it is saying that Texas is a toss up. That is usually one of the first states that you'd put in the Republican column.

A previous polling map had Clinton at 262, with 9 toss up states, and Trump definitely needing to win 6 of the 9 toss up states because they had more than 8 electoral votes and if he dropped any one of those 6 states, Clinton would be over the 270 required.

So, to those that have access to the full media in America, what is really Trump's chances? Are they as slim at makes out?

Trump's chances?

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